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Home Network & Device Upkeep

Best Practices For Securing Your Home Network And Device

Those of us fortunate enough to have dedicated IT staffs don’t have to think too much about backups, computer updates and anti-virus scans. But these upkeep basics don’t have to be out of the everyday home user’s reach. Here are a couple suggestions to keep your computer running smoothly and your data safe.

  1. Backups. If you have data you can’t afford to lose, you should really consider setting a backup schedule for yourself. This can be as simple as setting up a Google Drive to sync with files on your computer to running full disk images via your operating system or something like Acronis. If you don’t like the idea of putting your data in the cloud, think about an external hard drive that you can connect, back up your data and then remove the device and place in a fire safe or safety deposit box.
  2. Anti-virus. Every windows PC these days comes with a built-in anti-virus program but there are many others you can choose from. All of them are decent and none of them are perfect. The most important thing with anti-virus is to set those programs to automatically update so they have the most up-to-date virus definitions and also to set a scan schedule. Despite our best efforts and the real-time detection that these platforms offer it’s still a good practice to have a scheduled scan weekly, if not daily.
  3. Software updates. I know software updates can sometimes be a pain. When you try to open a program and you get a notification that a new version is available, it’s easy enough to sometimes dismiss the reminder and ignore the update. I really encourage you to take the time and let the updates run their course. There are few software platforms out there that haven’t been or aren’t currently the target of hacking attempts. Developers are constantly working to maintain interoperability and security. Denying your computer the ability to update to the most recent and secure software may put your computer and files at risk.

If these steps seem like too much, there are still people that can help you. 702 Communications offers managed services that include backup and anti-virus software. We can even install a monitoring agent to make sure your software says up-to-date. For more information on those services, call us at 218.284.5702 or explore our site for more info.

I hope this post will inspire you to secure your own data!

Brian Crommett
702 Communications

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