Wherever you’re from, now you’re home. Welcome.
Moving into an apartment can be exciting, scary, intimidating, sad, joyous, or anywhere in between. It doesn’t matter the circumstance, because we’re all one bunch of neighbors living inside one building, inside one complex, inside one community.
But you’re never alone. Internet connects you globally, even if it’s offered locally. Here at 702 Communications, we only provide residential internet to those who share walls with their neighbors. We understand the importance of coming together and sharing experiences in the way only technology can provide. Find the right Internet package for you and stay connected under one giant roof.
1GB @ $99.99/mo.
for the Gamer
100MB @ $29.99/mo.*
for the FAMILY
10MB @ $34.99/mo.
the essentials
*For the first 12 months. Regular price $49.99.
$8/month modem lease applies to all packages
check availability